NOW AVAILABLE! electric fashion ebook-drawing fashion flats with Adobe Illustrator
by Vanessa Newsome
Clear, fundamental and comprehensive, the electric fashion ebook is the quick guide for all fashion design professionals and students alike. Simple yet empowering techniques for drawing fashion flats in a easy to follow format. In just a few page turns, a wide range of accurate and endlessly creative fashion flats. Includes instruction on how to draw t-shirts, pants, skirts, shirts and more. Download available immediately after purchase.


Includes a fashion flat gallery
Be inspired by electric fashion and it's pages of professionally drawn fashion flats. The fashion flat gallery inspires with its collection of details, pants, skirts, jackets and more.

Learn to draw details and trim
Discover unique techniques in the detail and trim chapter. Learn to draw all sorts of fashion details including pockets, belts, belt loops, buttons, elastic, drawstrings and more.

Learn to color and fabricate
Liven up your complete fashion flat presentation with backgrounds, borders, text and fabric colors, patterns and scanned fabric. Learn all this and more in the and now presenting chapter.
DESIGN Downloads

This Adobe Illustrator fashion croqui is fundamental for precise fashion flats. Drawin in proportion to an 8 heads model and with various arm and leg poses.

Adobe Illustrator fashion brushes, perfect for seamlessly adding detail to your flats. Collection includes zippers, lace ups, stitching and more.

Easily add detail to your fashion flats. This collection of 101 fashion details is comprehensive. All details proportioned, precise and grouped for ease of editing.